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Estate Planning


“You can’t take it with you… But, you can choose who gets it and who doesn’t.”

Upon death, state law will determine how one’s property is distributed. The only way to counter that is to prepare a will beforehand. This ensures that your loved ones are not inadvertently left out. Allow Kenneth to advise you on the finer details of estate planning.


Do I Need A Trust If I Have A Will?

A trust is a legal arrangement whereby an individual transfers his assets to a third party (‘trustee’). The trustee is bound by a Deed to follow a set of directives and rules to hold and manage the assets, for the benefit of the beneficiaries.

Lasting Power of Attorney

What happens when one is of unsound mind?

A LPA is a legal document which allows a person who is 21 years of age or older (‘donor’), to voluntarily appoint one or more persons (‘donee’), to act and make decisions on his behalf, as proxy or decision maker, in the event that he loses his mental capacity.

Advance Medical Directive

Leaving it to the Doctors to decide...

An AMD is a legal document that a person signs in advance, informing that he does not want any life-sustaining treatment to be used to prolong his life, in the event that he becomes terminally ill, unconscious or when death is imminent.

Financial District
Estate Planning: Services
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