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Wealth Management


The only person who can take care of the older person you will be someday is the younger person you are now.

Someday you will retire from your job and you should plan for your retirement before it arrives. Our life expectancy has increased over the years.

It is therefore critical to build up a comfortable nest egg that enables you to take care of your financial needs during your golden years.

Child Education

Children bring us great joy as they discover the world around them.

With rising living standards and educational standards, it is now common place for parents to see their children through university.

Tertiary education comes at a hefty price, so you need to plan early for your child’s education funding.

Savings Plan

Helping you achieve your goals at every stage in life.

Kenneth offers a range of well-structured savings plan offers you both financial protection as well as a disciplined way to save regularly. Such savings can work harder for you than fixed deposit accounts or bank savings accounts, especially in the current low-interest rate environment.

Let Kenneth help you today and accumulate a small amount every month to achieve your goals in the future.

Investment Planning

Do you want your hard-earned money to work harder for you?

Many Singaporeans know the importance of saving but have reservations about investing.

Working with Kenneth, you don’t have to worry about the time or the in-depth market knowledge needed to invest. He will draw your attention to relevant issues and match your needs against a full range of investment options.

CPF Investment

Milk your CPF funds for all they are worth.

The CPF Investment Scheme (CPFIS) allows you to invest your CPF savings in a wide range of investment products. However, there is no guarantee that investment products included under CPFIS will always chalk up profits.

Kenneth can guide you on how to invest your savings, what risks your circumstances will allow you to accept, how long you should stay invested and when you should adjust your investment portfolio to keep up with the dynamic market situations.

Wealth Management: Services
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